chat huh: creating a clairvoyant chatbot
combining code and close-up magic
I've wanted to code magic tricks since printing my first Hello, World!
If you know any magicians, you're aware of our propensity to make anything into a trick:
rubber bands, receipts, lip balm, fruit... No object is safe.
And with programming, I discovered an infinite playground of possibilities.
'chat huh' is my first trick. I built it a few months after starting to code (when that 'infinite playground' often felt more 'shoddy jungle gym'). It's my take on a classic trick: a series of predictions about a participant-shuffled deck of cards. Traditionally, the predictions are written on paper; here, they're made by an - ostensibly - psychic chatbot.
There weren't any templates or tutorials for "clairvoyant chatbot" (I checked), and in developing 'chat huh' I encountered some interesting problems. I had a blast throughout the process, cementing my love of programming. This post is an overview of its development, and I hope reading it inspires you to build something silly, too.
I recommend reading through first, but if you'd like to see 'chat huh' in action you can watch a demo of the version I performed while attending Rithm School.
But first, a quick look at TypeIt: a fun utility at the heart of 'chat huh'.
TypeIt is a JavaScript typewriter utility by Alex MacArthur. It's easy to use, incredibly flexible, and just plain fun. You can even build custom animations without writing any code. How cool is that?
The documentation is fantastic. I'll just give a quick overview.
Each animation is a TypeIt instance with two arguments:
- element: where the text will be typed (use DOM or CSS selectors)
- options object: the instance behavior (string(s) typed, speed, etc.)
Assign it to a variable, and you have a ready-to-go animation,
triggerable anywhere in your code using the .go()
const HAL = new TypeIt('#podBayDoors', {
strings: "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.",
speed: 20,
HAL.go(); //chilling typewriting ensues
But the instance methods are where the magic happens - literally, in this case. They provide fine-tuned control at every step (and were actually my first exposure to method chaining).
By adding some well-timed delays and edits, you can suggest a surprising amount of personality.
Here's how I used them to add a little drama and realism:
const redsReveal = new TypeIt('#output', { speed: 25 })
.type('Of those face-down cards, ')
.type('18 are red.', { delay: 3000 })
.move(-9, { delay: 1000 })
.delete(1, { delay: 1500 })
.type('7', { delay: 2500 })
.move(null, { to: 'END' });
chat huh
If you have some coding experience, you likely have a sense of the general idea:
An event handler calls .go()
on subsequent TypeIt
s with each form submission,
iterating through an array of predictions.
And initially, yes, 'chat huh' was just a single-input form & a bunch of TypeIts.
But there was still some key functionality missing:
- interactivity: to be believable, it'd somehow have to be capable of communicating dynamically, not just recite stock lines. This one was daunting.
- reusability: it should be able to perform multiple tricks; new tricks shouldn't require their own chatbots.
- toggling: finally, if it's interactive & has a repertoire, it'd need a way to select tricks and toggle between 'chatting' & 'performing', discreetly.
Interactivity seemed definitively unachievable. I obviously couldn't build an actual language model and incorporating AI APIs was not yet on my radar.
The eventual solution was unexpectedly simple. It was the last feature I implemented, though, so let's look at the others first.
class Trick
I was learning object-oriented programming at the time,
and making a Trick
class ticked a lot of boxes.
Each Trick
could have a patter
property (magician-speak for a trick's script),
which stores its array of TypeIt
and patterShown
a counter variable that also served as an index.
class Trick {
constructor(patter) {
this.patter = patter;
this.patterShown = 0;
perform() {
if (this.patterShown < this.patter.length) {
const nextLine = this.patter[this.patterShown];
And by assigning each trick a "secret code" property, prompt
, I could discreetly
select a trick by using the prompt in the form input:
const trick = repertoire.find((t) => input.includes(t.prompt));
if (trick) {
return trick.perform();
I wanted prompts to be as inconspicuous as possible & decided to use punctuation marks: they arose no suspicion and allowed me to chat freely, without worrying about word choice.
Finally, a global variable ACTIVE_TRICK
, to keep track of the selected trick
& toggle 'performance mode'.
Sprinkle in a little jQuery, and handleSubmit()
looks something like this:
let activeTrick = null;
function handleSubmit(e) {
const input = $('#input').val();
const trick = repertoire.find((t) => input.includes(t.prompt));
if (trick) {
return trick.perform();
const totalLines = activeTrick.patter.length;
if (activeTrick.patterShown < totalLines) {
} else if (activeTrick.patterShown === totalLines) {
activeTrick = null;
note: some code is omitted for clarity
Now we just need to figure out how 'chat huh' will communicate.
the final piece
Embarrassingly, I got the idea from this meme:

Turns out the easiest way to fake communication is by using the laziest kind: mockery.
function makeMockery(phrase) {
//returns PHrAsE
const mockery = phrase
.map((char) =>
Math.random() < 0.6 ? char.toUpperCase() : char.toLowerCase()
return mockery;
And one more function, to handle inputs & clean up the event handler:
function getTrickorMockery(input) {
const trick = repertoire.find((t) => input.includes(t.prompt));
if (trick) {
return trick.perform();
const mockery = makeMockery(input);
new TypeIt('#output', {
strings: mockery,
speed: 25,
In other words, unless it's prompted correctly, 'chat huh' just throws your words back at you - mockingly.
And that's it! Now a sarcastic jerk, 'chat huh' side-stepped the interactivity problem and was performance-ready. Here's the demo link again if you'd like to see it all put together.
Granted, I've explained none of the actual "magic" involved (did you really think I would?), I hope this behind-the-scenes peek inspires you to meld your own passions, encounter fun challenges, and find quirky solutions.
Questions? Comments? Send me an email; I'd love to hear from you!